The company Gastromir was founded in 1995. Since inception, expanded . We currently operate two kitchens of large capacity that meet the requirements of the European Union for the kitchen . We also prepare food for distribution - for companies in Nitra and its surroundings We provide transportation vehicles approved by the State Health Institute .

The primary objective is to prepare a rational food of food. We try to match the needs and demands of our clients.

Welcome on page of  GASTROMIR

Billing address


Where do we operates?

Gastromir—Mirko Petrík

Chalupkova 20

949 01 Nitra



+421 37 65 03 695,

+421 37 65 27 521



















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Textové pole: About us

Zväčšiť mapu

Kitchen 1:

ŠJ Mladosť

Štúrova 3

949 01Nitra

Tel./Fax: +421 37 65 03 695

Kitchen 2:

ŠJ A. Bernoláka

Tr. A. Hlinku 38

949 01Nitra

Tel./Fax: +421 37 65 27 521